Schedule Technovation 2K18

20 th Jan 2018

Time Event Venue
8 AM - 4 PM Spot registration ISSC & Env. Sci.
9 - 10 AM Quiz-a-thon (Round I) Env. Sci.
10:15 - 11:15 AM CodeStorm (Round 1) Env. Sci.
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM Panel Discussion on
"Career Opportiunities In Scientific Computing".
Results for Quiz-a-thon (Round I) & CodeStorm (Round I) to be declared
during the Panel Discussion
Env. Sci.
12:45 - 1:45 PM Quiz-a-thon (Round II) Env. Sci.
1:45 - 2:15 PM BREAK ---
2:30 - 4:00 PM Quiz Final Round Env. Sci.
4:30 - 6 PM Web World ISSC/CMS

21st Jan 2018

Time Event Venue
8 - 11 AM Registration ISSC
9 - 10:30 AM CodeStorm (Final) ISSC
10 AM - 12 Noon Mock Interview ISSC
10AM - 12 Noon Assemble It ISSC
10AM - 12 Noon Present It ISSC
10:30 AM - 1 PM Minute To Win It ISSC
1 - 2 PM Break ---
2:15 - 4:30 PM Treasure Hunt ISSC
5 - 5:30 PM Prize Distribution ISSC
1) All the participants and teams are expected to be present at least 20 min before the event.
2) Late comers will not be entertained.
3) Venues may change
4) All participants should carry their college Identity card
5) ISSC : Interdisciplinary School of Scientific Computing.
6) Env. Sci. : Department of Environmental Science.
7) CMS : Centre for Modelling and Simulation.

Event Co-ordinator

Palak Valeja +91 9850408640
Akshay Anivase +91 7391901652
Abhijit Mane +91 9975693063

Email Id

Important Links


Interdisciplinary School of Scientific Computing (ISSC,
Near Publication Section,
SPPU, Pune - 411007.