Masters in Scientific Computing Vs Data Science ?

Choose M.Sc. in Scientific Computing if:
  • Interested in software development, systems programming, networking, cybersecurity, etc.
  • Want to work as a Software Engineer, Backend Developer, Full Stack Engineer, etc.
  • Prefer a broader field with options in AI, ML, databases, OS, and networking.
  • Want flexibility to move between traditional IT roles and new-age AI/ML roles.
  • Want to go for higher studies in India and abroad.
  • Want to explore research
Choose M.Sc. in Data Science if:
  • Have strong mathematical/statistical skills
  • Interested in machine learning, AI, big data, analytics, and statistics.
  • Want to work as a Data Scientist, ML Engineer, AI Engineer, or Business Analyst.
  • Prefer working with data, algorithms, and predictive models rather than building software systems.
M.Sc. Scientific Computing advantages
  • Software Engineers are always in high demand in the IT industry. Traditionally more than 75% of students from Scientific Computing join the IT inddustry. Few opt for higher studies and a carrer in research/teaching, etc. [See Placement and Fellowships page for details]
  • Data Scientists are in demand but require strong mathematical/statistical skills. These concepts from mathematics and statistics are covered in the M.Sc. Scientific Computing syllabus [See Scientific Computing syllabus]
  • Scientific Computing graduates can switch to Data Science later, but Data Science graduates may not easily shift to core CS roles. Many students who have completed M.Sc. (Scientific Computing) are working in the field of Data Science. [See Alumni Testimonials ].
  • Scientific Computing syllabus is designed such that it covers mathematical and statistical concepts necessary to learn AI/ML/Data Science. The students have to option to select ML/Data Science electives during second and third semester .
  • Students are supposed to undertake a year long project during their first and second semester. Some students opt for a machine learning / data science project. These projects are guided by industry experts.
Final Verdict

If you want maximum flexibility in IT careers, pursue higher studies (PHD, M.Tech., etc.) M.Sc. in Scientific Computing is better.

If you are strongly passionate about Mathematics, Statistics and data - M.Sc. in Data Science is the better choice.

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