Masters in Scientific Computing

Overview Image

What is Scientific Computing ?

Traditionally pure science can be categorized into two sub-categories viz. theoretical sciences and experimental sciences. With the advent of computers, the third type of science was introduced - Scientific Computing. Scientific computing is in-between these two sub-categories. It is more than theoretical but less than an experimental science. Scientific computing is the application of computers to solve problems from domains of sciences such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, computer science and others. These problems are solved using big enough computers.

Why choose M.Sc. (Scientific Computing) programme?

  1. Located within the S.P. Pune University campus.
  2. Established in 1994, the programme boasts a legacy of over 30 years.
  3. The programme offers a full-semester, full-time internship, allowing students to gain experience in the software industry or research institutes.
  4. First-year students undertake a year-long project, spanning two semesters. They can choose a domain of interest, including research projects, with expert guidance from industry professionals.
  5. Students enjoy 24x7 access to computer labs and classrooms.
  6. The programme is supported by highly qualified in-house faculty and visiting industry experts.
  7. A strong alumni network of 800+ professionals employed across India and abroad.
  8. The syllabus aligns with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

What is M.Sc. Scientific Computing?

M.Sc. Scientific Computing is a four-semester programme. The first three semester consists of classroom teaching the fourth semester is a full-time internship. The aim of this programme is to train computer science graduates to use computers in solving domain-specific problems computationally. Being an autonomus school the teachers have academic flexibility so as to adapt the syllabus to the latest trends in the industry.

Fees for M.Sc. (Scientific Computing) : Approximately ₹32,000 per semester.

How this M.Sc. programme trains the students in Scientific Computing?

The syllabus enables the students to do computational work in a domain of their choice. Courses on algorithms, principles of programming languages, core and advanced mathematics, statistics, parallel programming provide enough training to work on computational problems. The syllabus has core computer science subjects such as software engineering, databases, operating systems, networking which enable the students to opt for the software industry. On completion of the programme, a student can choose from research, teaching or the software industry or can opt for higher education. Emphasis is on hands-on practice as each course in the syllabus has a lab component attached to it.

Data Sciences/Machine Learning/Artificial Intelligence and M.Sc. Scientific Computing?

As the syllabus has mathematical and statistical components transition to Data Sciences is always an option for students. Data Sciences is again an application of computers to solve a domain-specific problem. Getting into data sciences without adequate knowlodege of mathematics and statistics is not possible.

The revised syllabus (w.e.f. July 2018) offers the MACHINE LEARNING course for three semesters during the M.Sc. Scientific Computing programme.

What Projects can be undertaken during M.Sc. Scientific Computing programme?

The syllabus also has two-semester project i.e. during the first and the second semester (see Computational Lab I & II in the syllabus). Projects in the first two semesters (first year of M.Sc.) are chosen based on student interest. These projects make use of the latest technological trends (recently nodeJS, React JS, MongoDB, Angular, Django, etc.) or can be research-based projects. Experts from industry guide these projects. Some of these projects can be with other departments on the university campus (IUCAA, IBB etc.).
See page no. 11 of the Training and Placement Brochure Batch 2018-2020 for previous year projects.

The fourth semester (see R&D & Industrial project in syllabus) is a full-time project for which the students work with a research lab/institute or software industry.

Which Technologies are covered during M.Sc. Scientific Computing programme?

None. Rather than covering technologies such as Java, Python, C++ the focus is on the Programming paradigms these technologies are based on. Three paradigms are covered during the programme refer to PPL II on the syllabus page for more details.

What are the Job opportunities after completion?

Refer Masters in Scientific Computing - Fellowships and Placements page for more details.

What are the fun or non-academic activities at ISSC?

Non-Academic activities organised by the students at the school include Technovation, farewell/freshers party, dushera celebration, teachers day celebration, etc.
Apart from these activities the school also organizes workshops on soft-skills (English imporvement sessions). Session on cloud computing and seminars/presentation by Researchers and industry experts are regularly organised by the school.
Preparatory sessions for placement are also organised.

Who can apply for this programme?

Students having a basic knowledge of computer science, and strong mathematical aptitude, along with,

  • B.C.S./B.Sc. - Computer Science
  •        OR
  • B.E/B.Tech. (Computer Science/ IT /E & TC/Instrumentation)
  • MATHS upto 12th standard is required
  • Those appearing for final examination may also apply.

The M.Sc. in Scientific Computing is a full-time programme and cannot be undertaken alongside a full-time job.

M.Sc. - Scientific Computing was formerly known Master of Computer Science with specialization in Scientific Computing.
Some useful links about Scientific Computing :-
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