Professor. Dr. Shridhar Gadre
Founder, Ex-Director ISSC, Distinguished Professor

Professor Shridhar R. Gadre received his Ph. D. from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) , Kanpur in 1978. After his postdoctoral research with Professor Robert G. Parr and Robert L. Matcha, he joined University of Pune as a lecturer and was promoted to Professorship in 1988. He has authored over 200 publications mostly in high-impact journals, guided 18 Ph.D. students and completed over 10 research projects sponsored by government agencies and industries. Professor Gadre is a Fellow of the Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore and the Indian National Science Academy, New Delhi. After superannuting from Pune university, he joined Department of Chemistry IIT, Kanpur in 2010. Currently Professor Gadre is a distinguished Professor at Interdisciplinary School Of Scientific Computing. He is the recipient of the prestigious Govt of India's Sir Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize in Chemical Sciences(1993).

Pofessor Gadre has expertise in the following fields:

  • Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure Calculations, Study of weak intermolecular interactions, Molecular scalar fields (molecular electrostatic potential (MESP), molecular electron density (MED)
  • Software Development and Parallel Computing
  • Molecular Visualization
  • Information Entropy
  • Rigorous inequalities in Quantum Chemistry
  • Electron density in momentum space
  • Molecular Hydration
  • Ab initio treatment for large molecules (Molecular Tailoring Approach)
  • Molecular Clusters
  • Quantitative Structure Activity Relationship (QSAR)
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